Monday, September 7, 2015

My Lions and Me

I love my cats!  Getting the feral colony from Tree House was the best thing I ever did.  I can enjoy my backyard and garden without worrying about seeing a rat scurry by.  As a matter of fact, I go days at a time without even thinking about rats!  A year ago that would have been impossible -- I was terrified to go anywhere near the garage or the alley.  On October 5 it will be one year that I have had my cats, and that's about as long as it's been since I have seen a live rat.  Quite a few small dead ones here and there, though.  That's fine!

This is Goblin, the black and white longhair.  Brando, the gray and white longhair, is the friendly one.  He likes to have his ears scratched, and he will come very close to me when I am putting the food down in the morning.  He also stands on the deck and meows for me when he is hungry.  He must have had some human contact shortly after he was born, because he is only half-feral.  The other two cats are comfortable with me, but they don't really come near me and if I stand up and walk toward them they skedaddle.

Today is Labor Day, and I am relaxing around the house.  It has been very hot and humid, I have only been going out in the garden in the mornings and after sundown.  I really hate this kind of weather, and I am looking forward to Fall's cooler temperatures.

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