Monday, January 5, 2015

The Party's Over

It's Monday, back to work today.  I did work Friday, January 2, but it still seemed like a holiday and they let us out at 3:00.  Today it's back to business as normal, and it's freezing out there.  3 below at O'Hare.  I woke up in the middle of the night worrying about my cat colony!  I'm sure they'll be fine, but I wish I knew for sure that the kennel heating pads are still working ok.  I hate to take the roofs off the feral villas to check, because I don't want to freak out any cats that might be snoozing in them.  I'll just have to hope for the best.

I had a wonderful, quiet weekend.  I have always been a homebody, but the older I get the more I love to hang out at home.  Yesterday I made taco soup and roasted a chicken.  I did laundry and putzed around.  Did a lot of relaxing in the lazyboy -- I should call it lazygirl.  Watched the long-awaited first episode of Season 5 of Downtown Abbey.  It started a little slow, but ended up being very good.  I love that series!

I hate the thought of slogging through the snow to the train, but I really want to get my walking in this week.  I may take the bus to the el on Wednesday morning, though.  It is supposed to be 12 below zero in the morning.  I am flirting with the idea of staying home if it's that cold!  I'm a wuss.

My food intake has been just "OK", nothing stellar.  I have realized that I can't be trusted around a block of cheese.  I have a couple of recipes that I will be making that call for shredded cheese, and I know that hand-shredding a block of cheese tastes so much better.  But I have already hacked off several hunks of the block of cheese to nibble on, it's probably about half gone.  Sigh.

Because I am cold and rather depressed about winter right now, I will post a picture that makes me feel a bit warmer.  Our granddaughter, Lily, and her kiddie pool.  Ahhhhhhh  I wish I could time travel right through January and into July.

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