My pepper plants have done ok this summer. I've been rewarded with a few nice sweet peppers and some very pretty (but wimpy) jalapenos.
These pepper plants are very obliging -- because they sure haven't had any help from the weather. It has been a carpy summer for heat-loving vegetables.
I made a delicious chicken dish with the pictured peppers -- oven-roasted chicken legs with lime juice, onions, garlic, sliced plum tomatoes and jalapenos. The jalapenos added nice flavor to the dish, but there was no heat. :(
Here is the first harvest of compost from my worm bin! I really need to get a life because it's ridiculous how excited I got to finally use this crumbly rich goodness in my garden. I added some of it to the planting holes for 3 'Husker Red' penstemon, and then added the rest as a top-dress for my viburnum sargenti 'Oonondaga'. It's been so much fun having the worm bin. So far I have been composing about half of my kitchen waste. Once the bin gets cranking and the worms start reproducing, I'll have several drawers going at a time. My bin has 3 drawers. According to the Urban Worm Girl, the worms do their lovemaking in the roof of the bin. Sure enough, when I take the roof off and look inside, there are teeny baby worms running around in there. There's a little orgy going on in the corner of my kitchen!
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