Look at how much my Earthbox vegetables have grown! I'm very happy with the Earthboxes, it's been very easy to just squirt the hose once a day to keep the water reservoir filled. It's amazing how much water the tomatoes go through -- 2 tomato plants use twice as much water as 6 pepper plants.
In other gardening news, check out my garlic, keeping company with my Clematis Jackmanii. It's almost ready to harvest, and after I dig it up I will hang the garlic from my bookcase in the dining room to dry. I'll also harvest a bunch of dill and hang it in the hallway, and then my whole house will smell like a Kosher dill pickle.
My Munstead lavender is in full bloom, the smell is wonderful. I felt very sorry for the lavender during our heavy rains, because the poor thing likes it dry and gritty, and it was really looking bedraggled. But once the constant rains stopped and the sun came out for a few days, it bounced back and is blooming like crazy.
1 comment:
Thank you so much for your comment, it really uplifted me, I am trying so desperately to be positive and to do this! I love your flowers they are beautiful! and I noticed your in law, I am graduating as a paralegal in January, I am very excited!
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